MangaStream is made with a modern, fresh look, and built with various features that make website visitors read your manga comfortably. MangaStream is premium theme for reading manga.
MangaStream Features
- Responsive design
- SEO optimized
- Dark mode feature
- RTL support
- Slider & weekly popular
- Hot Manga Update
- Project Update
- Blog
- Breadcrumb
- 3 style thumbnail on homepage
- Latest update with 3 chapters that have been optimized
- Popular Widget (optimized)
- Genre Widget
- New Series Widget
- Filter Search Widget
- History Widget (displays recently read chapters)
- AutoComplete Search
- Manga list page
- Project list page
- AZ list page
- Gallery on manga info
- Search chapter on chapter list
- Recommendation series by genre on homepage
- Hot update by daily populer on homepage
- Reading mode (full & single page)
- Image Server
- Lazyload on reader area
- Progress bar on reader area
- Bookmark page (without login)
- History page (without login)
- color theme feature (to change the basic color)
- Photon CDN (to speed up image load)
- Built-in Cache (speed up web load and reduce your server load)
- Integration with WP Fastest Cache plugin
- Support Autoptimize plugin
- Integration with SoraLink plugin
- Integration with Manga Downloader plugin
- Ads space ready (Ads Management)
- PHP 7.4 or 8.1
- Latest Ioncube loader
- cURL PHP Extension
- fileinfo PHP Extension
- WordPress version required 5.9+
1.1.9 – 29 April 2024
- Requirement: Starting with version 1.1.9 MangaStream requires PHP 7.4 or 8.1 to run
- Rework: The theme language can now be customized via the WordPress panel (MangaStream > Language)
- Fixed: Bug affecting the "Sort Chapters" feature when dealing with a series that has a large number of chapters
- Fixed: Bug affecting widgets when the title field is left blank
- Fixed: The chapter selector in the reader area is not working properly when visitor uses an ad blocker.
- Added: ability for the "Popular Today" section to be scrollable
- Added: "Latest Chapter" display next to the "Add Chapter" button in the series list (admin area)
- Added: History feature (General > Read History)
- Added: Widget history
- Added: Shortcode for history page [ts-history-page perpage='10' style='2']
- Added: History section on the manga info page (General > Chapter History on Series Page)
- Added: Import & export feature for history (General > Read History Import Export)
- Added: Import & export feature for bookmark (General > Bookmark Import Export)
- Added: Pagination for bookmark (General > Bookmark Perpage)
- Added: Integration with W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, WP Super Cache
- Added: Option to set Series List using AZ Heading, if disabled, the Heading will take the data from the existing item in list
- Added: Option to purge Built-in cache files periodically. Instead of Purging all the cache at once, in the first 15 minutes, periodic purge cache will slowly regenerate all the cache
- Added: Template part for auto-complete results
- Added: Template part for new series widget
- Added: Template part for genres widget
- Added: Ability to Exclude Genre From Advanced Search (Search > Advanced Search Genre Exclusion)
- Added: Option to include the author's name in the search criteria (Search > Search by Author)
- Improvement: View Count now has an option to choose between real-time tracking and interval-based tracking (reducing Ajax requests) for chapter pages. (General > Interval-based Chapter View Count)
- Improvement: Photon CDN to add support for webp extension
- Improvement: change slug feature
- Improvement: Enhanced [ch] and [ct] shortcodes by adding support for multiple values (tutorial)
- Improvement: Removed the question mark placeholder in the auto-complete results for series that don't have chapters
- Improvement: Taxonomy shortcode
- Improvement: Built-in cache
- Improvement: Theme panel
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: RTL CSS
- Updated: Child theme
1.1.8 – 11 October 2022
- Rework: mobile header
- Improvement: Manga list
- Improvement: Style 3
- Improvement: Language file
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: RTL CSS
1.1.7 – 23 May 2022
- Updated: Select chapter no longer show chapter title
- Improvement: Main CSS (fix select box in reader area)
1.1.6 – 15 May 2022
- Added: required attribute for input chapter number and select series
- Improvement: Generate info (now can generate using full URL or ID only)
1.1.5 – 7 February 2022
- Added: child theme
- Added: classic widget compatibility
- Added: 'Add Chapter' button on series post
- Added: attribute on image thumbnail (width & height)
- Added: chapter title input in post editor (chapter)
- Added: compatibility for meta box plugin v5.4.8
- Added: option disable/enable bookmark
- Added: the "push to latest update" feature when editing a published post
- Added: sorting option for chapterlist (When changing this option, please flush built-in cache)
- Added: ability to navigate between chapters (next prev) using arrow keys on keyboard in minimal mode (reader area)
- Added: novel type
- Added: select image mirror in minimal mode (reader area)
- Added: compatibility for password protected post feature in reader area
- Added: reset view feature
- Added: chapter sorter tool
- Added: Change slug manga
- Added: share button on blog post
- Added: compatibility for comment system with closed status
- Added: function to prevent wordpress from generating resized images when uploading chapter images
- Improvement: select mirror
- Improvement: filter search feature
- Improvement: ads management
- Improvement: view system (fixed view counter on admin area & popular widget)
- Improvement: Select chapter in reader area
- Improvement: Theme panel
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: RTL CSS
- Improvement: built-in cache
- Improvement: Performance
- Update: Language file
1.1.4 – 4 February 2021
- Added: View counter in admin area
- Added: Option to exclude project from latest update
- Improvement: Bookmark
- Improvement: Ads Management
- Improvement: Meta integration
- Improvement: Language file
- Improvement: Main CSS
1.1.3 – 26 October 2020
- Improvement: Photon CDN - Chapter Images, Cover Series & Blogspot have separated settings - photon CDN no longer applied in admin area and gallery
- Improvement: New Series widget - Seamlessly Updating New Series widget with ajax to ensure it always up-to-date even if cached (built-in cache must be enabled)
- Improvement: Theme panel
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: Performance
- Update: Language file
1.1.2 – 8 October 2020
- Improvement: Comment feature
- Improvement: Related Series
- Improvement: Photon
- Improvement: AZ List
- Improvement: Performance
- Update: Language file
1.1.1 – 29 September 2020
- Fixed: Home recommendation doesn't work if genre name has unicode character
- Fixed: Bookmark maximum allowed setting doesn't work properly
- Fixed: Shortcode appear not in correct place
- Added: Default score setting for series that has no score
- Added: Social share in the reader area
- Added: Option to disable social share in the series info and reader area
- Added: Scroll bar in the genre section of the search filter feature
- Added: Visited CSS on the chapter list
- Added: Grid and List style for chapter lists
- Added: Option to hide noscript in reader area
- Added: Reader Area Style option in Dashboard - Advanced and Minimal, Advanced is a modern style with the latest features. Minimal is simple style (old version of Reader Area).
- Added: Reader Area Style option in Series Post - Ability to set Reader Area Style for all chapter of the Series, you can set it from Series post Editor
- Change: The navigation icon in the reader area
- Change: The default setting for lazyload from enable to disable
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: RTL CSS
- Improvement: Performance
- Improvement: Progress bar - first appeared in a simple style (minimized)
- Improvement: Progress bar - increase the size of click area around the progress bar to hide floating chapter navigation (above and below)
- Improvement: Category thumbnail
- Improvement: Reader Area - hide server selector if only have 1 server
- Improvement: Reader Area - fix prev and next chapter navigation doesn't work properly if tying to open it in new tab.
- Improvement: Reader Area - fix php error notice
- Improvement: Reader Area - fix bug image URL contains quotes ( ' )
- Improvement: Reader Area - fix bug image URL contains some unicode characters
- Improvement: Photon CDN - photon CDN no longer run in admin area to prevent the photon URL version saved in post content
- Improvement: Lazyload now will preloading all image sequentially from first image to the last image.
1.1 – 22 September 2020
- Added: Compatibility for PHP 7.4
- Added: RTL style
- Added: 2 styles for homepage thumbnail
- Added: a shortcode to make a list of taxonomy
- Added: Search filter widget in the sidebar
- Added: Gallery on series info
- Added: First Chapter and New Chapter on series info
- Added: Search chapter on chapter list
- Added: Breadcrumb
- Added: Related series on reader area
- Added: Recomendation series by genre on homepage
- Added: Top Menu
- Added: Disable option for featured image single blog
- Added: Shortcode area in homepage
- Added: Shortcode for custom series page based on meta & taxonomy
- Added: Reading mode (full & single page)
- Added: Image server
- Added: Lazyload on reader area
- Added: Progress bar on reader area
- Added: Filter to remove scaled image
- Added: Hiatus status
- Change: Series info style
- Change: the chapter list style
- Change: the search filter on the series page
- Change: thumbnail size in single series info
- Change: Dark mode option
- Change: Popular series widget
- Change: Theme Panel
- Change: Dashicons with Font Awesome
- Change: Blog style
- Change: Comment style
- Change: Criteria for hot update areas from hot label based to daily popular
- Improvement: Main CSS
- Improvement: Language file
- Improvement: warning Adult Content with verification
- Improvement: AZ List
- Improvement: Homepage pagination
- Improvement: Built-in cache
- Improvement: Flexibility to change meta
- Improvement: MangaUpdates API
- Improvement: Auto complete search
- Improvement: Standar widget from WordPress
- Improvement: Category page
- Improvement: Reader area
- Improvement: Trending this week (now using top weekly popular criteria)
- Improvement: Hot update (now using daily popular criteria)
- Improvement: Bookmark - auto remove missing item
- Improvement: Bookmark - compatibility for IE browser
- Removed: Project shortcode, read tutorial 'Series Based on Meta & Taxonomy' to create a project page
- Integration: Menu Icons plugin
1.0.7 – 30 January 2020
- Added: Filter remove scaled image
- Improvement: Built-in cache
- Improvement: Grab manga info
- Improvement: Bookmark
1.0.6 – 16 January 2020
- Fixed bug: Built-in cache
- Fixed bug: soralink integration (now you need to install the SoraLink Client plugin)
- Fixed bug: Timestamp missmatch
- Fixed: Google Pagespeed issue
- Improvement: grab manga info (auto create featured image and category)
- Improvement: CSS style
- Improvement: Language
1.0.5 – 5 September 2019
- Fixed CSS visited
- Optimize theme speed
1.0.4 – 1 September 2019
- Fixed select chapter
- Fixed pagination homepage
- PHP 7.1+ support optimized
1.0.3 – 31 August 2019
- Fixed CSS
- Fixed pagination homepage
- Improvement Built-in Cache
- Added language file
- Added comic type
- Added shortcode to show certain meta
1.0.2 – 9 August 2019
- Fixed CSS darkmode
- Fixed CSS theme color
- Fixed CSS sidebar
- Fixed bug scheduled post
- Remove MyAnimeList thumbnail cover
1.0.1 – 10 May 2019
- Security patch
- Fixed author name on blog
1.0 – 7 April 2019
- MangaStream released